

0800 50 77 90

WashTec New Zealand

2 Te Apunga Place
Mount Wellington
New Zealand ​

Email: support_nz[at]

Phone: 0800 50 77 90

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Gravel filter MF

Highly efficient for
high washing volume

High washing volumes at conveyor tunnel systems and commercial vehicle washing systems pose special challenges in terms of the water conditioning. Gravel filters MF are extra efficient and allow up to 85% of the wash water to be reused. They are reliable and very low maintenance. An investment that pays for itself quickly thanks to low operating costs.

Gravel filter MF

Kiesfilter MF

Your advantages:

  • The water quality complies in all values with the specification for vehicle washing
  • Your investment quickly pays for itself by lowering your operating costs
  • High recycling rate of up to 85%
  • Low maintenance
  • High reliability
  • Easy to use
  • Suitable for every application thanks to modular design

Ideal for operators who

  • Require a highly efficient water conditioning system for conveyor tunnel systems and commercial vehicle washes
  • Have a high washing volume
  • Appreciate low maintenance, high reliability and ease of use