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0800 50 77 90

WashTec New Zealand

2 Te Apunga Place
Mount Wellington
New Zealand ​

Email: support_nz[at]

Phone: 0800 50 77 90

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Conveyor tunnel system

Tailored solutions for every site

Maximum flexibility for your washing business. WashTec offers you a variable conveyor tunnel system concept with versatile washing, drying and care modules. Combine these in accordance with your washing volume, your space situation and the requirements of your customers. We accompany you through the entire process – from the initial planning to the draft through to the installation. Not forgetting payment systems, water conditioning and chemicals. Put your trust in our expertise. Together we will find the perfect solution for your success.

Conveyor tunnel systems


No two sites are the same. And every site places its own specific requirements on a conveyor tunnel system – be this with regard to required space, throughput or equipment. WashTec's modular concept enables you to find the perfect solution for your particular requirements.

linear mitfahrende Seitenbürsten

Conveyor tunnel system Linear Technology:

Perfect washing results at the front and rear

The constantly further avanced Linear Technology from WashTec improves the washing result where it's necessary: at the front and rear. The brushes are following the entire vehicle contour and guarantee a more impact time spent on the sensible parts at the front and rear.

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Waschstraße SoftLine² Vario

SoftLine² Vario:

The conveyor tunnel system that satisfies every request

Whether a space-saving conveyor tunnel system with basic equipment or an over 40 m long car wash centre for a special car wash experience, whatever your plans are, SoftLine² Vario makes it possible. Configure precisely the conveyor tunnel system you desire from the numerous modules. Matched to your space situation, your washing volume and the expectations of your customers. 

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